Axis ArtLoader
A downloadable tool
Welcome to Axis ArtLoader!
Axis artloader is a art app used to make stunning pixelized art. Coded with python. Feel free to edit/redo code!
You can use your mouse to make art!
CODE: (Use Python Compiler like Visual Studio 2022 to use. DO NOT USE A ONLINE COMPILER!)
import turtle as t t.speed(0) t.penup() t.lt(90) t.fd(375) t.rt(90) t.write("Axis ArtLoader") t.bk(400) t.rt(90) t.pendown() t.fd(700) t.lt(90) t.fd(150) t.lt(90) t.fd(700) t.lt(90) t.fd(150) t.rt(90) t.bk(50) t.rt(90) t.fd(10) t.fillcolor("blue") t.begin_fill() t.circle(10) t.end_fill() t.penup() t.fd(50) t.write("blue=b") t.pd()
UPDATE v0.0.3.2
-New UI Sample!
Development log
- v0.0.3.2 Beta24 days ago
- (Coming Soon!) Axis ArtLoader 0.0.325 days ago
- The ArtLoader is OUT! (v0.02)93 days ago